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Firos Kunnamparambil was born on 16 April 1984 in Alathur, Palakkad. He is an Indian philanthropist; charity worker; social activist; politician; and businessman. He is active in activities, using the possibilities of social media. Firos has been in the ranks of the people who have been suffering from illnesses and financial difficulties. Social media charity became a trend in Kerala after the arrival of Firoz Kunnamparambil in the scene around three years ago. Firoz, who hails from Alathur, Palakkad was running a mobile shop at that time, and he was living in a rented house. At that time, Firoz used to upload videos of people with illness, and donators used to send sums to the respective back account provided by the charity worker. Firos Kunnamparambil entered politics through Kerala Students Union. at A.S.M.M Higher Secondary School. He became a noted politician being the KSU, He was first elected to the KSU area secretary Firos Kunnamparambil selected to UDF Candidate in Constituency of Tavanur, the Kerala Legislative Assembly. It was through Feroz Kunnamparambil that Malayalees came to know many people in need of help, including a mother who had to go to work with her autistic daughter tied up at home and a seven-month-old baby from Aluva who had a rare disease in which the skull grows. Feroz came to the minds of the people by bringing help from the well-wishers to those suffering from rare diseases, the homeless, and the financially distressed.

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