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Suseela Prabhakaran is an Indian ophthalmologist and chief ophthalmic surgeon at Divya Prabha Eye Hospital in Trivandrum, India. She started her career as a lecturer in ophthalmology in the Department of Medical Education at the state government of Kerala.She was actively involved with the improvement of healthcare services in Kerala, especially in the field of ophthalmology. Through NGOs like the World Health Organization and Innerwheel, she was able to introduce major advances in eye care.Prabhakaran was instrumental in upgrading the Government Eye Hospital in Trivandrum to a Regional Institute of Ophthalmology. She was also the Advisor in Ophthalmology to the state government.She established Divya Prabha Eye Hospital on leaving government service.Prabhakaran has written several articles in scientific journals and has been cited in the Indian Science Abstracts. Of the 45 million blind people in the world, 12 million of them live in India. Prabhakaran has been able to improve eye health in Kerala by performing cornea graft surgeries and many other procedures that correct or improve cataracts on patients. She also advocates for eye donation, which has been a major topic of interest for advocates of corneal grafting.

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